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Throughout a range of experiments to portray symbols and messages within my work: from print, to film, photography, text, stop motion/GIF, garments and the list goes on, digital illustration has been a technique I have recently grown to adore. While this does not directly link to research in better understanding a fashion communications landscape, these visual experiments allow me to portray key themes, while also allowing me to also weave this into branding and building branding solutions. Illustration and even typography are areas I want to personally grow in and while gentle palettes and delicate lines may represent me as a creative I am passionate to interwind this media to reflect varying brands and messages.

shoes illustration .jpg
lips invites .jpg

The celebration of luxury through illustration ...

Nurturing and empowering the body through illustration...

pheobe illustration with clouds .jpg
face illustration chanel .jpg
underwear illustration .jpg
body illustration .jpg
bed illustration .jpg
illustrative power suit .jpg
power suit illustration waercolour .jpg

Status symbols and the controversy of power-dressing through illustration...

  • Black Instagram Icon


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